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Step-by-Step Guide to Make Super Quick Homemade Tilapia fish peper soup

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, looking for the perfect Tilapia fish peper soup recipe? look no further! We provide you only the best Tilapia fish peper soup recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Tilapia fish peper soup

Before you jump to Tilapia fish peper soup recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Your State Of Health Can Be Impacted By The Foods You Decide To Consume.

With regards to the foods that you eat, you will recognize that your overall health can be effected either positively or perhaps negatively. One of the foods you should be avoiding is just about any foods you get at a fast food place. These types of foods are loaded with bad fat and also have very little nutritional value. Because of this we are going to be going over the foods that you should be consuming that will have a beneficial effect on your health.

Now when it comes to the main food items that you should have for dinner, you may want to be certain that you're eating a good amount of fish, especially salmon, and lean protein. The great thing about salmon is that as well as other nutrients additionally it is loaded with Omega-3. Protein is important for your diet, however you do not need to eat a large amount, as a 3 ounces is all you really need. Furthermore before cooking your steak you really need to trim the fat that you can see from it to keep from consuming extra fat.

By following a few of the suggestions above you will find that you will end up living a healthier life. Also if you cut out all the processed foods that you should not be eating anyway, you may find that you could end up living a longer life.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to tilapia fish peper soup recipe. To cook tilapia fish peper soup you only need 19 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you do that.

The ingredients needed to cook Tilapia fish peper soup:

  1. Take of Tilapia fish.
  2. Take of Ginger.
  3. You need of Garlic.
  4. Use of Black peper.
  5. Prepare of Coriander powder.
  6. Provide of Cumin powder.
  7. Use of Maggi.
  8. Get of Oil.
  9. You need of Onions.
  10. Prepare of Attarugu.
  11. You need of Tatase.
  12. Prepare of Cardamom powder.
  13. You need of Salt.
  14. Take of Peper soup spices.
  15. Prepare of Carrot.
  16. You need of Olive.
  17. Provide of Green peas.
  18. Take of Swedes(Rutabaga).
  19. Get of Crayfish.

Steps to make Tilapia fish peper soup:

  1. Da farko zaki hada ginger,garlic,black peper, cumin,coriander,cardamom,onion,oil maggi kiyi blending dinsu.
  2. Seki wanke kifi ki da lemon juice ki tsaneshi.
  3. Seki dawko radi kaya yaji da kikayi blending ki shafawa kifiki ki barshi yayi marinated for 3hours ko kuma overnight.
  4. Ki dora oil ki soya kifi naki sama sama.
  5. Se kiyi blending tatase,onion,garlic ginger,pepper, ki dora a wuta ki zuba ruwa kisa oil kadan kisa maggi kisa crayfish kisa su vegetables dinki inda ya fara tafasa kuma ki ka gan su vegetables dinki Sudan nuna seki sa kifiki ki barshi ya nuna for 3mn seki sa pepper soup spices dinki ki barshi for 2mn seki sawke,Aci dadi lafiya!.

If you find this Tilapia fish peper soup recipe helpful please share it to your close friends or family, thank you and good luck.
